Why are we here?

Apostolate of Maternal Praying for Priests (AMP Priests) is an apostolate born from the stories of good, holy priests and bishops. Many clergy experience being battered and bruised by a world teeming with powers and principalities hard at work to destroy their vocations and the very flock these men desire to shepherd to the True Shepherd. These stories speak of men who are isolated, accused and found wanting by their people.  Many parish families have lost faith in the very vocation they need to live a thriving life under the fatherhood of Christ’s servants who are called to guide and create a family as they administer the glorious sacraments. These priests and bishops face a crisis of fatherhood and brotherhood and experience the rejection of their parish families when they most need to be loved and supported.

Our Response: Spiritual Motherhood

Our response as women must be to answer the call of spiritual motherhood. There are other wonderful apostolates for women who yearn to pray deeply and intentionally for our priests, like the Seven Sisters Apostolate through which seven women commit to one priest and they each cover him one day a week with a Holy Hour and prayer for his ministry. But I felt the need to respond immediately, covering many priests, particularly those of the dioceses in which we reside. 

What's Involved? 7:2:1:Connect

While prayer and fasting is at the heart of our work, we desire to establish intercessory relationships with our priests (why do we pray for specific men? well, why do mothers pray for the specific needs of each of their natural children?  Same reason: we each have unique needs in prayer). 

Here is the basic plan for spiritually adopting priests.